Browser requirements
I am only able to test the Compendium with Windows 10 on desktop and laptop computers, and it works with Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera and Sea Monkey.
If you use a Mac, a tablet or a smartphone, I suggest using Firefox or Google Chrome.
Please note the following requirements for your browser and computer, if you want to see all of the features of the Compendium:
- Unicode support – for the following Greek letters, mathematical symbols and Latin letters with diacritics, which are used in the Compendium:
Special Characters
Greek | Symbols | Diacritics |
α | Greek alpha | ± | plus-minus sign | ǎ | a with caron |
β | Greek beta | − | minus sign | ā | a with macron |
γ | Greek gamma | – | en dash | é | e with acute |
κ | Greek kappa | — | em dash | ě | e with caron |
λ | Greek lambda | ′ | prime | ē | e with macron |
μ | Greek mu | ″ | double prime | ǐ | i with caron |
Δ | Greek Delta | ‴ | triple prime | ī | i with macron |
Ξ | Greek Xi | → | rightwards arrow | ǒ | o with caron |
| | | | ō | o with macron |
| | | | ǔ | u with caron |
| | | | ū | u with macron |
| | | | ü | u with umlaut |
Windows computers with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or later should be able to display all of the special characters.
Macintosh computers with Mac OS X 10 should also be able to display all of the special characters.
- Frames – for some of the indexes.
- Tables – for the contents pages and the data sheets.
- Style Sheets – used throughout the Compendium.
- Graphics – for the structural formulae and the index navigation buttons.
- Scaleable images – the structural formulae should reduce in size so that the full image remains visible in narrow windows; this works best in Firefox, less well in Google Chrome, poorly in Edge, Opera and Sea Monkey, and not at all in Internet Explorer.
- Chinese and Russian – the Compendium includes Russian and Simplified Chinese versions of many common names.
Send comments and questions to BCPC